Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wanna be rich? or die trying?

Personally i would like to be rich, but saving money for me is hard! I try to spend money for the things i need more then just the things i want. But if I am out, and the people I am with are spending money for themselves, I tend to persuade myself that it is okay and I will just mooch off money from my parents later.

Some ways you can save is by putting expenses first. That way you can take care of important issues. Put a bit of money into a savings account with high interest like 10%. So in 7 years or so you double your money. Have one account that allows you to have some more money from your income. You will probably have to pay taxes when you take the money out. But if you take a high amount it wont matter as much, because you still will be making a lot of money.Well also depending what career you persue in. If your not afraid of taking risks, you can play the stocks. But you should let a banker do it, so you don't have any problems.

Some ways you can try making money is buying a scratch ticket or taking a chance at the lottery. I am sure if someone won the lottery they wouldn't save too much. They would be too excited and blow it on what they may always wanted. I see that all the time. Some other ideas to saving, is looking at the deals and bargains depending on what you want. I really wish there was such a thing as a "money tree" how sick would that be! But im sure if that did exsist everyone would become greedy.

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